By Tim Cason, M.Ed., Senior Consultant, TNG Consulting, LLC; Vice President, NABITA
With the publication of the updated NABITA Industry Standards for Behavioral Intervention Teams, we now explore standard 18, which addresses adequate recordkeeping.
Standard 18. Recordkeeping: The team uses an electronic data management system to keep records of all referrals and cases.
NABITA recommends teams track referrals and cases in an electronic database. An electronic database is a web-based platform that allows records to be more accessible, searchable, and secure. Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) electronic records should include all relevant referral information, case notes, demographic information, risk ratings, and interventions.
Additionally, all standing team members should receive training and full access to BIT cases in the electronic database system, including the ability to edit and view the case. This training and access allows members to find needed information in a more timely fashion and avoids information silos and recordkeeping falling on only one or a few members. As part of the regular recordkeeping, teams should document information in an objective and descriptive way, like recording relevant observable behaviors and using direct quotes when appropriate (e.g., “the student explained,” “the student stated”). Because BIT records are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), FERPA protection applies to all referrals made to the BIT and the subsequent case notes and actions. Under FERPA, students can request access to their records during the period in which the records are maintained. Because of this, teams should avoid using diagnostic, informal, or judgmental language.
Practical tip – Teams should develop robust, systematic, and consistent ways of documenting information within the electronic database. When teams have systematic ways of documenting information, like standardized note subjects/categories or risk rating changes, they will have consistent data that they can export from the electronic database to communicate their workloads, tell their story, and aid in the development of an end of the semester and year report.
Stay tuned for the remaining Tip of the Week in the BIT Standards refresh series.