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Integration of Academic Early Alert with BIT Functions Training

BITs are tasked with receiving and responding to referrals across the spectrum of risk, including referrals for academic distress or difficulty. As Academic Early Alert programs gain popularity, schools are experiencing an increase in siloed information and a bifurcation of response and support services. This presentation explores the Academic Early Alert and BIT systems for receiving referrals, deploying support and intervention, documenting information, and highlighting common hot spots for gaps or redundancies in services or information sharing. Additionally, faculty will discuss strategies for making Academic Early Alert and BIT functions more integrated, effective, and efficient.

Learning outcomes:

  • Participants will understand the overlap and intersection of Academic Early Alert and BIT work
  • Participants will recognize inefficiencies in Academic Early Alert and BIT systems that create opportunities for gaps or redundancies in services
  • Participants will develop strategies for improving Academic Early Alert and BIT system

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