Ashley Blamey serves in a dual role as Title IX coordinator for the UT System and UT Knoxville. Serving in both capacities, Blamey facilitates critical communication between officials with UT System and all UT campuses. Enhanced communication and interaction across the University system enables more informed decision making and evaluation of practices by all UT campuses.
As system-level coordinator, Blamey is responsible for tracking best practices and legal developments; collaborating with other UT Title IX officials in policy evaluation and development; measuring program effectiveness; identifying optimal training, prevention and awareness building efforts and resources for implementation; and overseeing annual reporting on the frequency and nature of incidents and complaints.
As UT Knoxville coordinator, Blamey is responsible for coordinating campus efforts to comply with and carry out Title IX responsibilities including promptly, thoroughly and equitably investigating and resolving reports of prohibited conduct to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence and remedy its effects.
Blamey has a bachelor’s degree in special education from East Tennessee State University and both master’s and doctoral degrees in social work from UT Knoxville. She joined UT Knoxville in 2008 as its inaugural student case management specialist. She has served the campus as the director for the Center for Health Education and Wellness and assistant vice chancellor for student life. Blamey is currently the University’s representative on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Action Collaborative to prevent sexual harassment in higher education. Under her leadership, UT Knoxville was awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to develop best practices related to education about and prevention of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. UT Knoxville continues to push the work forward as a current member of the NASPA Culture of Respect Collective.
Ashley was one of the founding members and the first president of the Higher Education Case Managers Association.